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Marianne Krizner
Marianne Krizner
Artwork by Marianne Krizner
below:  In 1979, Marianne honored her husband with a large oil painting commemorating his years as a Navy pilot. The painting, “Skyraiders Over the Coral Sea,” depicts his flying one of the Skyraider planes over the carrier. The painting is displayed with the permanent collection of the Pensecola Naval Museum.
Bedford Falls - Ohio
A Walk in the Park
Our Changing Landscape
Sedona Stream
The Great Amen
below: Marianne painted this mural along Broad Street near the Bottle Works as part of the River Wall Project 
 Marianne grew up outside of Cleveland, Ohio, in a small town called Bedford. Years later she discovered that Archibald Williard, who painted “The Spirit of ‘76', also came from Bedford.
  While in elementary school, she attended the Cleveland Art Museum for free summer art classes for a few years. Teachers sat them in front of a painting and told the students to focus on a small part of the painting and try to reproduce it. They were even given the art materials needed. What an experience for a young child!
  In 1957, Marianne received a BS in Education from Western Reserve University, now called Case Western Reserve University. The Cleveland Institute of Art is located on an adjoining campus and Marianne was permitted to take classes there for a minor in Art. Classes consisted mostly of drawing and painting with a water-based medium called casein. Occasionally, the classes were held outdoors. Following graduation she taught elementary school in Bedford, but since they already had a permanent art teacher, she didn’t teach art.
  She then married Bob and they had children. In 1969 Bob received a promotion which required their relocating to near Philadelphia where she was able to take painting classes from an inspiring teacher. In 1975 the family was transferred with Bob's job again, this time to Johnstown. As newcomers to the area, she went with her husband and six children visited the Log House Arts Festival where she saw work by Harriet Goff. As luck would have it, she was fortunate to become one of her students. Harriet introduced her to the Allied Artists of Johnstown, and she has been a member for forty plus years. She has served on the Board in several capacities including as AAJ president from 2002 - 2005. She now holds the title of Emeritus Board Member.
  Nature has been Marianne's main focus in her paintings, especially skies. She is also drawn to places that hold a special meaning for her. Oils are her favorite, but she also use watercolor, pen and ink and pastels. In 1979 she honored my husband with a large oil painting commemorating his years as a Navy pilot. The painting, “Skyraiders Over the Coral Sea,” depicts his flying one of the Skyraider planes over the carrier. The painting is now part of the permanent collection of the Pensecola Naval Museum. (See it below)
In 1980 Marianne resumed teaching, this time in a local parochial school. She received her Masters degree and taught English but Friday afternoons were reserved for art class. This continued for 15 years.
Now retired and widowed, Marianne remains very involved with her church, the Allied Artists and the YWCA. She has been honored by the YWCA, SAMA, BottleWorks, and the Community Arts Center. God has been good.